

The FIPEC sea lice Bait Bag VELCRO is an effective tool for controlling sea LICES infestations in coastal areas. Made of 9.2 oz. synthetic fabric, it is saltwater resistant and durable for extended use in harsh conditions. It features a watertight closure system to keep bait fresh and effective, increasing the chance of capture. It is easy to use and maintain. Ideal for anglers, it helps protect the environment from Lices infestations while maximizing your bait investment.

Use it mainly for Crustaceans fishing such as snow crab and lobster.

In some coastal areas, it is common to use the term “pellet bag” or “Chum Bag” to describe a bag used to store and carry bait for commercial fishing. The term may also refer to a box or similar container used for the same purpose. It is therefore somewhat of a synonym for bait bag. However, it is important to note that this term can vary depending on the region and it is therefore important to ask local fishermen what they use in their region.

In the Gaspé Peninsula as well as in the Maritimes and the Magdalen Islands, the Sea lice bait bag VELCRO  is used for sea fishing, attached to hooks or placed in bags in order to attract fish or crustaceans into the net or fishing traps.

Sea Lices:

Sea Lices (or isopods) are very common marine crustaceans that feed on decaying organic matter on the sea floor. They can also feed on dead fish and plant debris. Sea flea infestations can cause damage to marine ecosystems and reduce the chances of capture for fishermen. The FIPEC boilie bag is an effective way to control these infestations while increasing the chances of catching them.

These small copepods are incredibly abundant – they constitute the largest source of protein in the world’s oceans in their early larval stages. Copepods have colonized almost every aquatic habitat on earth, and collectively comprise the largest animal biomass on earth.

The life cycle of the sea louse, like all crustaceans, is a series of molts. At the napulii stage the sea louse is free swimming and does not feed, instead gaining nutrients from internal yolk reserves. In the intermediate copepod stage the lice use their hooked antennas and frontal filaments to attach themselves to fish; they are still too small to cause any real damage as they feed on the juvenile salmon. As the lice move through the more mobile pre-adult and adult stages they attach to the fish by suction and can become lethal. The lice are able move, or “graze” on the host fish’s body, preferring the head, back and perianal areas. Their preferred diet is mucus, blood, and skin.

Sea Lice bait bag VELCRO

9.2 oz (11 x 11), 1000D, UVI,
-40°C LCC, 55% block. Our
premier line of high quality
coated before weaving all purpose mesh

9.5″ x 12″ with velcro closure.

A high strength durable mesh

1603 in stock