
SKU : SER-01 Catégorie



The shore seine 100 feet x 6 feet, also called beach seine or rotating seine, is a rotating net. It is used to encircle fish in order to capture them. It is composed of three sections, with two wings at the ends and a pocket in the middle.  Usually the “beach seines” are set with a boat parallel to the shore. The seines will be hauled from land by two teams, one on each side. The hauling should be done slowly and evenly so that both ends arrive at the edge of the beach at the same time. Effective for use in fish farming pound too.

The catch efficiency of a beach seine varies greatly depending on the characteristics of the shoreline habitat and the ichthyofauna. Shore seines are among the methods used to survey green crab populations and assess the diversity of other species during field operations.

Note: Shore seines require a minimum of two crew members, but a third person
may be useful when counting and identifying catches or or harvesting fish.


It is made of knotless nylon or polypropylene netting so as not to injure the fish. We manufacture rectangular seines, and also pear-shaped seines, depending on its use. It is important to know the depth of water where the seine is used. The upper part of the seine is mounted on a polypropylene rope and is equipped with surface plastics floats, while the lower part is mounted with a double weighted braided rope. The net is sewn onto the upper and lower selvedges.


ITEM       DEPTH.       LENGTH       MESH

SER-01       6′                 100′          1/2” and 3/4
SER-02      12′                150′          1/2” and 3/4
SER-03      12′                150′           3/4” and 1”

If you are not satisfied with our standard seines, we can manufacture them to your specifications.